Title: Doom2 Meets Zdoom
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/d2mzd.zip
Size: 19.12 MB
Date: 05/14/12
Author: Unholypimpin
Description: A doom2 remake wad a few friends and i made. Each map is made from scratch and is extended with beefed up detail. We ended up canceling the project because people didnt seem to support it all that much. We spent a long time on the maps and didnt want to finish all 30 maps if noone liked the first 11. But I hope some people will enjoy this wad.
Credits: Pottus, Tormentor667, The_afrit, Whodaman, anyone else i forgot.
Base: Doom2 maps
Build time: 6 months
Editor(s) used: DoomBuilder2 Slade3
Bugs: Some Hom's and maby a few other things i missed.
Rating: (53 votes)

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