Title: Party Base
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/dai-pb.zip
Size: 685.08 KB
Date: 05/17/14
Author: Walter "Daimon" Confalonieri
Description: A tiny tech level made for Mr Chris birthday...
Credits: ID, for the fancy game! My family Realm667 for new decorate monsters
Base: new from scratch
Build time: 2 days
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2
Bugs: none, i think. If you found any, mail me.
Rating: (8 votes)

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It's okay, but just okay. Very short too.x
Fun little map. 4/5x
This was pretty good! There is some basic scripting, which is usually a sign of talent. The custom Imps were really cool! I also really liked the blue lights. Really adds that extra spark. x
Quite simple 3-minutes map. Technically well done. Map layout is very basic, nothing special. Gameplay @ UV is simple, but as-is not too bad. ADHD-style music is IMHO horribly: -2... Overall: 2.5 - 2 + 2 for the birthday present = small 3/5, but don't expect something you'll remind longer than 3 minutes.x
Fun little birthday map. Has a secret submarine, which is always a plus!x
This was quite fun to play through!x

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