Title: The Healer Stalks
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/dai-ths.zip
Size: 50.54 KB
Date: 12/12/21
Author: Walter "daimon" Confalonieri
Description: A map based upon the music track title "The Healer Stalks", is a knee-deep like short techbase where the monsters (well, almost all the monsters), guns and ammo are shown in the main course of the wad, while health and items appears when closets opens or even been teleported!

I've got some fun while working on this, the intentions are to make a speedmap but i'm ok with the results.

Originally made for the unreleased "Red Album" project, then decided to release it as a stand alone release in these days.
Credits: ID for Doom 2 KILLA DIO for the "Red Album" community project idea
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 3 days
Editor(s) used: GZdoomBuilder-BugFix, SLADE3, Pixel Painter
Bugs: none that i'm aware of.

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