Title: Earth Ends
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/dbp10.zip
Size: 4.64 MB
Date: 04/16/19
Author: The Doomer Boards qrew
Description: 10th DBP, it's gotta be something special, so here it is; an underrated classic theme; city, but with a twist, it's the end of the world and it's crumbling away into space. There's a very complex Dehacked that replaces various unfitting hell decor and a few enemies with something new and interesting for a more urban feeling.
Credits: Realm667 folk for the new textures, flats and sprites asdfjkl6.wad for inspiring to explore this unusual theme. ID for Doom CodeImp for Doom Builder Sirjugginton for Slade exl for WhackED Visual Vincent for Doom Writer Microsoft for MSPaint Jimmy for the HUD The respective MIDI craftsmen
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 1 month for mapping, 6 days for compiling and tuning up, 1 week to write dehacked
Editor(s) used: Doom Builders, WhackED 4, Slade 3, Doom Writer, MSPaint
Bugs: Some sprite offsets are a little wonky Zdaemon starts the text screen earlier than intended and has some odd textures garbled Turrets fly down sometimes due to Dehacked limitations MAP06 exit may not loop back to MAP01 as intended

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