Title: DBP36 Aquatic Wonder
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/dbp36.zip
Size: 4.19 MB
Date: 06/19/21
Author: Doomer Boards Qrew
Description: An underwater themed episode, where you explore the sea life, that is being hunted by fishermen, and explore underwater ruins of ships, and ancient buildings. Barrels are replaced with sea mines that can explode on contact with the player's body. This project's leader Joe-Ilya
Credits: DooMAD for 95% of the new textures, taken from StalungCraeft. 40oz for the modified UDMX pallete and TITLEPIC. Matador for playtesting and feedback Ceejay for the EDGE-only bubble effects. Gaia74 for the ZDoom-only bubble effects. Realm667 for the sprites.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 1 month
Editor(s) used: Doom Builders, SLADE3, WhackED4
Bugs: Weird unfixable minor things can happen to the barrel replacement. Source ports that can't play module music will either have silence for the title screen and intermission, or it can crash instead.

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