Title: Morbid Autumn
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/dbp_29.zip
Size: 5.9 MB
Date: 12/13/20
Author: Doomer Boards Community
Description: Autumn themed levels banged out by the best worst doomers you'll ever meet at Doomer Boards (https://doomer.boards.net)

We love watching you guys play our maps on twitch and youtube! Please keep the content coming! It makes our work worth it.
Credits: Zillah for compiling all the maps into a wad file Supercupcaketactics for directing the music direction Supercupcaketactics for his dope chemistry equipment graphics, dude's a real pixel pusher. Big ol Billy for that gotdang tomatoman. Chris Moyer and Vanesa Eamane for their undying support. Love you guys!
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 10/01/2020 - 11/01/2020
Editor(s) used: Slade and all the Doombuilder varieties probably.

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