Title: Miscellaneous Mayhem
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/dd_misc.zip
Size: 903.21 KB
Date: 11/29/16
Author: Dutch Devil aka Dutch Doomer
Description: Three small/medium sized maps I once made for two different projects. Given the size I thought these three maps would go well together and will make the download more worth the time. I've been putting more work into these maps lately, making them play even better and should offer you a more enjoyable experience. The most work has gone into map01 where I've removed a large chunk of the map to create something better and make the map much more fun to play. I think the maps all have a very good layout and the first two offer alot of non linearity. Hopefully these maps are a blast to play on Death Match too, as I've been focusing more on that too. Gameplay should be somewhat challenging at certain times, but I'm guessing most players will not experience too many problems. I just tried my best to improve on these maps and make them play much better, and I think all three are as best as I can get them. Anyway have fun, hope you enjoy these as much as I have been creating them. Happy Dooming.
Credits: ID Software (Doom) CodeImp (Doom Builder) XWE (Csabo)
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Unknown, first two maps date from 2008.
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2, XWE
Bugs: None
Rating: (15 votes)

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Getsu Fune
fine mapsx
Its pleasant to See Dutch Devil is still mapping..mildly challenging these maps are simply artistic in terms of architect..x
A trio of very nice, non-linear maps. 1 and 2 follow the same theme, 3 is similar in architecture and somewhat in theme. Difficulty level grows with progress but stays rather low.x

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