Title: Devious Deviance
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/ddevian.zip
Size: 8.73 MB
Date: 09/10/23
Author: Various
Description: Devious Deviance came to life as a community project hosted by MFG38 of 3x3 and Literalism fame. In this project, the gimmick revolved around implementing difficulty settings in somewhat of a non-traditional fashion; the monsters you'll encounter are the exact same across each difficulty setting. What changes instead is everything else, be it the armaments you're given, the layout of an arena or even the route you take through a map!

Included in this mapset are 8 maps (plus a credits map) by 8 authors, making use of the ever-versatile OTEX texture pack and providing varying gameplay styles along with different (sometimes insanely creative!) ways in which the difficulty settings alter the experience.
Credits: See ddevcred.txt.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: long enough
Editor(s) used: SLADE3, Doom Writer, Notepad, DoomMake and whatever map editor each participant used
Bugs: Hopefully none.

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