Title: Disjunction
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/disjunct.zip
Size: 10.66 MB
Date: 02/17/17
Author: floatRand
Description: A small mapset containing 11 thematically and visually diverse maps. Bit challenging, but hope you have fun!
Credits: Esselfortium for cc4-tex.wad.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: dunno
Editor(s) used: GZDoomBuilder, Slade3
Rating: (27 votes)

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Getsu Fune
small mapset is a complete misnomer. this set takes about as long as a full megawad. very promising on the onset, but the later maps just made me lose all fucking patience. incredibly annoying to speedrun, secrets and level layout are also hard to get around too. also the red key is missing on MAP09 for ITYTD/HNTR.x
This wad is absolutely astounding, it almost immediately became one of my favorite wads of all time. All maps are amazingly designed and really fun to play.x
Very nice map set! x
The text file doesn't lie - the maps are very diverse and don't feel like they just reiterate the same concept like it happens in some WADs. They are also very good looking and very playable - well, maybe apart MAP11 which is a bit too exaggerated.x
really nicely done and can be played on low resource systemsx
Hooooly crap. Every map looks amazing in its own way! Kudos to floatRand for helping start 2017 off with a bang!x

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