Title: Daemonic Martello 1024
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/dm1024.zip
Size: 264.66 KB
Date: 02/02/08
Author: Vasek "(The_)Damned" Havranek
Description: I wanted to contribute this map to second round of Congestion 1024, but after it was stopped, I stopped with making this map too. After some time I decided to finish it. At the end I broke the 1024x1024 concept a little, but still it is small map. It is quite hard (from first seconds) and quite cramped. I hope that u will like it though.
Credits: Gothic team for Gothic textures
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Tooo long... as always from me...
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder, WinTex, SLumpEd
Bugs: I hope not.
Rating: (11 votes)

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