Title: Clock Out
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/dmdclockout.zip
Size: 685.13 KB
Date: 04/05/20
Author: Derek "Afterglow" MacDonald
Description: Medium-sized speedmap in a vanilla-flavoured underground industrial setting.

This was originally intended for Doomworld community project "Isolation" but I ended up spending more than the allocated 12 hour dev time. The scope of the level went beyond design rule "short, breezy, light-hearted" so it made more sense as a standalone release.

These mapping restrictions are followed:

- Must not use of F_SKY1. - Must use damaging NUKAGE1. - Must place health items on FWATER1. - Use of Cacodemons encouraged.


Your subterranean work shift as a pipefitter is nearing its end when the ground violently rumbles- again. Management have ignored your pleas about untenable work conditions. Well today you're knocking off early, at-will employment be damned. Ascend to surface-level and make your way home for a well-deserved cold one. Bring some ammo in case the climb gets bumpy.

Version History:

- v1.0 on April 4, 2020 Initial release. - v1.1 on April 23, 2020 Fix MIDI playback in ZDoom source ports.
Credits: - Alfonzo for MIDI track titled "Saboteur", from Heretic megawad "The Realm of Parthoris", ROP_2015.wad. - BridgeBurner & Boris for playtesting feedback. - Dragonfly and Jimmy for organizing Isolation. https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/112967
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 6 days, about 25 hours total
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder 3, SLADE 3.1.11, ZenNode 1.2.1, ZokumBSP 1.1 (blockmap), DCC 2.02
Bugs: Slimetrails in software mode

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