Title: Dominion
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/dominion.zip
Size: 1.06 MB
Date: 07/15/14
Author: Memfis
Description: 2 levels heavily inspired by the Memento Mori series. Good levels.
Credits: Everybody, also skepticist, vdgg and Plut for testing and demos.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Two-three weeks maybe?
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2, XWE
Bugs: There will always be bugs
Rating: (11 votes)

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Good maps with classic gameplay. I'm a little disappointed that there are no difficulty settings, as I think the maps would play better if made a bit easier.x
In terms of MM's comparision. GOOD: Perfect reproduction of oldschool geometry (esp first map); Challenge. BAD: Too much style mixing in texturing; Difficulty (instant m-teleporters, some health & armor deficit, most traps are deadly for -fast); -> Absence of lower skill settings. MISC: not 8+3 wad filename (yes I'm a pedant); again, not a part of megawad. /hthx
These maps are awesome; A great challenge, but nothing impossible. 4.5/5x
The first map is ok, the second one is really cool, very good layout... until near the end, where I didn't know what the certain switch was doing. Unfortunately no difficulty setting.x
Ridicilous maps and the armors are worthless in these maps, these should've been the blue ones instead because you're a damage sponge in these map, the green one won't help.x
Very cool oldschool maps, I liked MAP14 more because of its more interesting architecture and gameplay and this marble/wood temple style. I also disliked those very narrow green corridors on MAP04 (if they aren't removed in the final version), but 5/5 because of really good common quality.x

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