Title: Demons of Problematique
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/dop.zip
Size: 10.14 MB
Date: 07/16/07
Author: Dennis "Exl" Meuwissen
Description: A short trip through hell, set on by a classic Doom story. Originally intended as just a Boom compatible level, I got a little carried away with it, especially the ending credits\scenes. It carries in at over 10 Mb because of the ambient sounds used... so turn off any music you have playing, turn up the volume on other music in ZDoom and enjoy! If you want to know your kill percentage, secrets found and playing time, wait until after the ending credits. This will run under GZDoom provided it supports ZDoom r538's features, but some lighting will look strange or too dark, no matter what setting.
Credits: . This will run under GZDoom provided it supports ZDoom r538's features, but some lighting will look strange or too dark, no matter what setting.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: A few months on and off.
Editor(s) used: DoomBUilder, XWE, SLumpEd, Adobe CS2
Bugs: Hopefully none.
Rating: (44 votes)

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