Title: DREAD
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/dread.zip
Size: 496.29 KB
Date: 09/07/22
Author: TCGames
Description: DREAD is a four map tech base themed wad for Doom II. These maps are designed for classic Doom style gameplay and progression and each of the four maps in this wad are designed with pistol starts in mind. Each map includes 12 multiplayer starts and all four co-op player starts.

These maps are made in Doom II format and should be compatible with any limit removing source port. However, in order to get the full range of features included in this wad it is highly recommended that this wad be run with ZDoom, GZDoom, or a related source port that can utilize the ZMAPINFO lump included inside this wad file.

For ZDoom/GZDoom users the game will end after MAP04 and go to a special ending screen. For users of other source ports the game will simply proceed to Doom II MAP05 once MAP04 is completed.

This wad contains a DEHACKED patch for use with older source ports and older versions of ZDoom or GZDoom that do not support ZMAPINFO, but certain features such as the special ending screen after MAP04 will be absent. This wad was tested with and found to function correctly in ZDoom, GZDoom, and PRBoom.
Credits: id Software, Team TNT, and anyone I may have missed
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Work on this wad began sometime in 2012 and was completed sometime in 2022, so around 10 years
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 1 and 2, XWE, Doom Word, MS Paint, Wintex, ENDEDIT, and the GIMP image editor
Bugs: These maps will all likely cause visplane overflow errors in Chocolate Doom, Doom2.exe, and Doom95.exe, use of a limit removing source port is strongly recommended

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