Title: Dreary Hauler (v1.1)
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/drearyh.zip
Size: 2.2 MB
Date: 12/07/23
Author: pbuyle
Description: An abandoned but otherwise unremarkable spaceship lost in deep space. An unremarkable marine waking up from stasis. You shouldn't be here, there nothing left to guard, defend or sav. But they shouldn't be there neither. And you don't want to die.
Credits: Textures: Retro Texture Pack by Little Martian (itch.io) E1M2 (Dread Factory) music by MFG38 (Ultimate MIDI Pack) Ambient sounds (freesound.org) - Underwater Impact by deleted_user_7709760 - Muffled Boom by UnderlinedDesigns - Muffled Pipe Draining by animationIsaac - Sci-fi Energy SFX by Abacagi - Ambient Spacecraft Hum by AlaskaRobotics - Water Drip Loop by DWOBoyle
Base: New from scratch
Build time: -
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder / SLADE / Krita

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