Title: Altitude Adjustment
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/drlzalta.zip
Size: 3.24 MB
Date: 12/10/23
Author: Dreadopp and Lord_Z
Description: It has been a year since you exchanged gifts with the UAC scientists and they have already gotten themselves into trouble. As it turns out, many of them were assigned to a UAC airship to investigate some new portal technology. However, the last communication you recieved contained some demonic screeching, so something has clearly gone wrong. Time to make a grand entrance and bring the scientists another gift; their freedom!
Credits: Textures: Cage Enjay Nightmare Malinku Earthquake Mechadon Dreadopp Lord_Z

Music: MAP01 - "Let Me Fly" by Jimmy
Base: Cage's Texture Pack and the Useful Doom Edits Texture Pack
Build time: 6 months
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, Paint.NET, Slade
Bugs: Some minor visual glitches in older ports.

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