Title: Intergalactic Xenology v1.1
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/dzintxen.zip
Size: 18.54 MB
Date: 05/05/20
Author: Dreadopp and Lord_Z
Description: The alien menace has returned to haunt you even after their defeat. A new wave of adversaries have begun their assault. You wake up in a dark corridor and begin your trek through a new nightmare.
Credits: Textures: NiGHTMARE Espi Eriance Fredrik Johansson Janitor DaGGeR Ola Bjorling Vader XDelusion esselfortium RottKing Nuxius Afterglow AgentSpork Enjay Huy Pham SargeBaldy Tormentor667 Iikka Keranen Cage FuzzballFox 40oz Mechadon zrrion the insect Nightfall Blue Shadow Sock Roger Ritenour Tarnsman skillsaw GothicDM Team Eternal Doom Team id Software Ion Storm Raven Software Rogue Entertainment Valve Software Dreadopp lupinx-Kassman (see OldResourceCredits.txt of LKTex for details on individual resources) Greenwar 2 team Hacx 2.0 team Epic Games, Inc Afro Samurai: Resurrection team xymonau Lars Petersson Capcom Shamus Young

Sprites: Eriance Virtue Bloax CeeJay Tormentor667 skillsaw 3d Realms

Fonts: Mechadon

Status Bar Font: AgentSpork

Palette: skillsaw (purple range is from BTSX)

Misc Graphics, Splash Screens, Status Bar: skillsaw

Music: MAP01 - "Autumnal Chills" by Tristan Clark (Eris Falling) MAP02 - "The Yawning World" by Jimmy MAP03 - "Venture Forth" by Sodaholic and Jimmy MAP04 - "Radio" by Jimmy MAP05 - "Descent of Madness" by Tristan Clark (Eris Falling) TITLE - "The Last Sunset" by Tristan Clark (Eris Falling) INTERMISSION - "Polar Night" by Tristan Clark (Eris Falling)

Sound Credits: Eriance Raven Software Rogue Entertainment Scream sound from Map30 of Ancient Aliens

GLDefs: lights.pk3 from GZDoom Dreadopp

Dehacked: Lord_Z
Base: Ancient Aliens texture pack
Build time: 5 months
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, WhackEd4, Paint.NET and Slade
Bugs: Some minor visual glitches in older ports

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