Title: The End
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/end.zip
Size: 5.23 MB
Date: 02/04/22
Author: Clippy Clippington
Description: The end is a reverse map where you start out at the end and make your way back to the beginning. I build the end first and designed the rest later. You also have to help save some friendly baby cacos. Map 1 is the main event but if you want to start at the start you can do that too in map 2. Or map 3 starts in the baby caco breakout room. 3 identical maps with different starts music

If u like stories watch this promo! httpsyoutu.beL0nQQf0ASSw
Base: New from scratch
Build time: who knows prolly a few weeks or somethin
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder
Bugs: don't think so

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