Title: Embers Of Hell:Ratanaba UDMF (Director's Cut)
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/eohzratanaba.zip
Size: 199.07 KB
Date: 07/31/22
Author: Milton Maldonado Jr (ARMCoder)
Description: Urban legends (more precisely, money-seeking crooks) have been saying lately that there's an ancient Alien city lost in the midst of the Brazilian Amazon rainforest.

This is a great inspiration for a Doom map, anyway!

This is a single map where the player progresses through all the weapons, from pistol to BFG and faces increasigly bigger monsters, until reaching the final boss battle.

Difficulty settings are implemented.

Ambience is mixed as this is a supposedly ancient but alien city. Expect to find urban, castle, dungeon, tech...

Difficulty is not very high but the design is aimed at experienced players. Expect to have a good deal of workload in UV.

Have fun!
Credits: Iron Maiden (Midi Cover from "Fear Of The Dark") Realm667.com for the package RainSpawner.wad
Base: New from scratch
Build time: About 10 days
Editor(s) used: SLADE 3.2.1
Bugs: No Known Bugs

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