Title: Escalation Titan
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/etitan.zip
Size: 5.66 MB
Date: 07/22/21
Author: Jeffrey Canam [GrahfMetal]
Description: A Canadian U.A.C. base, CFB Titan, is being overrun by demonic forces and you must escape to the transporter on the other side of the large complex
Credits: Music by James Paddock [Jimmy] M01 Track - "Escalate" M02 Track - "False Paradise" M03 Track - "Perpetuum Mobile" M04 Track - "Blood and Glory" M05 Track - "Subjugator" M06 Track - "Death, Perchance" Title - "Titanium" Inter - "Magnesium"
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 2 Months
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder

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