Title: EVIL.wad
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/evil.zip
Size: 516.61 KB
Date: 05/29/23
Author: ChaseC7527
Description: After you decided to do some "ghost hunting" on an abandoned mining town located off the coast of California you soon come to find that you got a lot more than you bargained for.
Credits: Enjay - Tree Sprites, Gali - Crucifix Sprite, Doomkid - Music (Junkhead - AIC), South Park Outro, Mechadon - Sky texture, Gez - Hanging Lamp Sprite, Doomjedi - Skeleton Sprite, Not Jabba - Waterfall Textures.
Base: New from scratch.
Build time: about a month.
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, WhackED, Slade,

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