Title: Extinguished
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/extngshd.zip
Size: 537.28 KB
Date: 05/22/16
Author: Stormwalker A.K.A. Vordakk
Description: A somewhat difficult DOOM 2 map playable with any limit-removing engine. This map was originally meant as a remake of MAP21 of Doom 2 ("Nirvana"), but soon became its own thing entirely. The original Sanskrit word "nirvana" meant "extinguished", hence the level's name.

This wad features a custom palette that I made myself. I think that it gives the level a more grim and less cartoony vibe without being quite as dim and dark as Sigvatr's PalPlus palette.

A note regarding one feature of this level: If you reach the exit, having slain every monster in your path, and yet the map screen shows that 100-150 monsters still roam the map, you have not accessed all areas of this realm, and thus you have not thwarted the Gatekeeper's attempt to drive you insane. Search harder.
Credits: stewboy and everyone else involved in the creation of the Plutonia MIDI pack, ZDoom forums, Doom France, Doomworld, and doomer.boards.net.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 6 months(yep, I'm slow)
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2, Slade
Rating: (14 votes)

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This a beautiful map with great visuals, masterful lighting and moody atmosphere. But the difficulty is on the asshole level. How many times do I have to reload? With more fair monster placement this would be a 5*, with stupid monsters its only 3. Perhaps I should've tried on a lower difficulty level.x
Good map, sometimes a bit unfair with monster placement, but a decent challenge nonetheless. x

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