Title: Firerainbow
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/firerainbow.zip
Size: 8.4 MB
Date: 10/15/23
Author: Petyan (project lead), dolan, Maribo, DeetOpianSky, ryiron, knifeworld, Ravendesk, General Roasteroc
Description: PHOTOSENSITIVITY WARNING This is a small community project that was hosted in Meowgi's discord which focuses on using only recolors of the FIREBLU. The restriction of the project was to use only the recolors of the FIREBLU textures, which makes this project somewhat inspired by the likes of 1badwad, DIY, ICGYA and 1x1, by combining usage of only one texture/flat (1x1) but recolored into simple variety of colors (1badwad, DIY) and with occasional usage of HOM effect (ICGYA). There was no real restriction by the difficulty, but maps are roughly ordered according to how difficult they are and also attempting to juggle how long they are. Good luck and please remember to rest your eyes.
Credits: Ravendesk for help with dehacked, DustedPandemonic for fireblu armor, Maribo for being the huge inspiration for this and also everyone who participated. (and of course huge thanks to DOOM3 sound guy for the plasma)
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 3 weeks + couple of weeks for testing
Editor(s) used: UDB, SLADE, Aserprite, paint.net
Bugs: -

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