Title: First Blood
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/firstb.zip
Size: 1.72 MB
Date: 02/26/21
Author: Keagan Dunn ("Dunn & Dunn")
Description: --- A set of 14 Boom-compatible maps designed for pistolstart. The difficulty starts off like Episode 1 of Doom 1, then ramps up to some Plutonia / late TNT difficulty near the end. I definitely recommend pistolstarting each map as the intended experience is there. Little effort has been made to support continuous play.

This WAD is a beginner's first, looking to dive in to the mapmaking community, and make a collection of maps with a difficulty curve and maybe some story along the way. ALL MAPS WERE BUILT FOR AND PLAYTESTED IN ULTRA VIOLENCE AS THE INTENDED DIFFICULTY. Lower difficulties, not so much. Think of these as a collection of first-time maps over 3 months. Nevertheless, hope you enjoy!

***More information is available in the firstb_extra_info file, including tested ports, credits, and map commentary.***
Base: New from scratch
Build time: ~3+ months
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, SLADE, Doom Writer
Bugs: Text screens won't work properly in non-ZDoom ports; misalignments galore!

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