Title: April Fools STARTAN Maps of Any Quality
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/foolstar.zip
Size: 770.77 KB
Date: 05/31/15
Author: Various
Description: April Fools 2015 STARTAN Challenge Project: Make a map using PRIMARILY Doom Builder's default Doom 2 textures (STARTAN2, FLOOR0_1, CEIL1_1). You can use other textures too, even custom textures if you want, but use primarily the default ones. Format, compatibility, map size, gameplay style and your effort doesn't matter. All maps are accepted unless they're malicious. Custom music is allowed, but D_RUNNIN is preferred.
Credits: project starter - scifista42, MAP01 - pcorf, MAP02 - Breezeep, MAP03 - Pinchy, MAP04 - Jimmy, MAP05 - walter confalonieri, MAP06 - joe-ilya, MAP07 - Superluigieth1, MAP08 - tourniquet, MAP09 - scifista42, MAP10 - Memfis, MAP11 - xnv, TITLEPIC - Pinchy, INTERPIC - Jimmy, compiling - scifista42, title demos - joe-ilya
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Few days.
Editor(s) used: DB2 / GZDB, SLADE3, GIMP 2, Bitmap Font Writer
Bugs: Ugli-ness.
Rating: (9 votes)

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When jokes get serious.x
fun map.x
ey my map is bretty good i made it in one hrx
Good wad ruinded by the last maps. 2/5x
I give the first six maps 4 stars. The remainder deserves zero. While wrapped around a silly concept, the first 6 maps are made by skilled and experienced mappers and they're fun, pretty, challenging and interesting. So, my recommendation is to play the first 6 maps and then stop.x

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