Title: Fractured Worlds
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/fw.zip
Size: 13.64 MB
Date: 11/28/21
Author: Nirvana
Description: Fractured Worlds is a collection of 8 blue/cyan Boom compatible (cl9) maps, spanning a wide variety of themes and presenting some challenging set piece encounters and incidental combat. There are some large and small maps, and each one contains a secret fight, accessible by finding the hidden purple keycard in each level. There are 6 maps by me (7 including the anti-Underhalls map at the end) and 2 secret maps by Scotty and Insane Gazebo, taking the map 31 and 32 slots respectively. Maps jump from tech gardens and deep caverns to grand neo-gothic architecture and abstract void spaces.
Credits: Insane_Gazebo for the titlepic Scotty for the HUD Ribbiks for help with the palette, dehacked, extending midis and help with compiling Carol for putting up with the endless hours of Doom talk and midi testing...

My playtesters: Ancalagon, Insane Gazebo, Ribbiks, Zzul, Nevanos, Tourniquet, Daerik, Loveless, Riff, No Reason, Bridgeburner, Lucky_Edie

Extra credits for midis/textures/sprites etc. are located in a lump in the wad
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 2+ years, though most work was done during periods of a few months.
Editor(s) used: UDB, Slade, Photoshop, WhackEd
Bugs: Certain lighting sequences are broken in Zandronum (likely due to scroller behaviour) and some switches don't animate for some reason, and certain HUD messages for keys don't change to represent the actual key picked up. Certain lock-ins may be breakable in multiplayer if players block certain doors/raising floors manually, causing the odd soft-lock.

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