Title: The Gateway Experiments Episode 5: Prime Directive
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/ge5-pd.zip
Size: 35.04 MB
Date: 06/29/15
Author: Ethan Watson aka GooberMan
Description: Bet you never thought you'd see this, eh? The next installment in the Gateway Experiments series, just in time for Doom's 22-and-a-halfth-ish Anniversary. Where's episodes 2, 3, and 4? Well, I'm not making them. I've done a George Lucas, skipped a few chapters, and tweaked Space Station Omega slightly so that it could fit in this package with the new stuff.
Credits: An extensive list of credits is kept in licenses.txt. Shout outs to Randi, Graf, Enjay, Nash, Xaser, ReX, wildweasel, Gez, Blzut3, Kinsie, Jimmy, Edward850, grouchbag, scalliano, and other ZDoom forums/IRC people I've missed.
Base: Mostly from scratch. Spot the skybox reuse.
Build time: Started on December 26, 2012. Finished June 2015. There was about five months of work in total.
Editor(s) used: GZDoom Builder, SLADE 3, GIMP, Audacity, PSPad.
Bugs: It's probably possible to desynchronise a few things.
Rating: (23 votes)

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Oh my god, and episode one kept me entertained! I never thought you'd make another one.x
Should be nominated for Cacoward !!!!x
Not my cup of tea. Way too much Half-Life and RPG-inspired gameplay tropes, not enough Doom.x
I don't like rpg or dialog style.x
Absolutely beautiful!5/5x

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