Title: Guardian Angel
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/guardang.zip
Size: 6.18 MB
Date: 12/15/19
Author: Abe87
Description: This episode takes place in a spaceship. The levels are quite basic, except I did some experimenting with 3D floors in some of them. There's a mixture of "atmospheric" and more action-packed maps.
Credits: Textures: Community Chest 4 From Realm667: underwater bubbles by Captain Toenail; chair by Ghastly_dragon


Map01: Brinstar (Super Metroid) - King Meteor Map02: Upper Norfair (Super Metroid) - FireMario Map03: from dtwidmus.wad Map04: Gut Wrencher from Duke Nukem 3D Map05: from rokeleko.wad Map06: from cygnusiv.wad Map07: Claustrophobia - ClumsyDoomer Map08: from System Shock Map09: Denied - Doomkid Map10: E1M5
Base: New from scratch
Build time: a few months
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2 & Slade 3
Bugs: None

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