I think this time it'll be different. What am I talking about? Merely a remix of the one of the most popular FPS levels ever, Doom's E1M1. I didn't try and do anything new in the map in-so-much as to reinterpet it.
Enjoy it for the five minutes it lasts. ;)
Iikka 'Fingers' Keränen, for his various inspirations in the FPS level community, as well as the awesome textureset I've used for this map.
Bart Klepka, for allowing me to use his "On Speed" remix of the Doom E1 theme. The Mp3 in this file is a slightly downsampled version of the original tune.
You can find his songs @ http://bart.overclocked.org
John Romero, for co-creating Doom and designing the original E1M1.
Although this map is a remix of the classic E1M1, it is from scratch and was NOT built upon the original.
Build time:
About 3 weeks.
Editor(s) used:
DETH v4.42 BSP 3.0 NWT v1.3 Wintex 4.3 RMB v2.1
You MUST be using the newest version of ZDoom to play this map, or else you might crash and/or be unable to hear the music.