Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/hazchem.zip
Size: 27.15 KB
Date: 06/29/16
Author: Ashicide
Description: So this is my first map, it's called HAZCHEM, and there's really nothing special about it. It being my first map and all, it's gonna be really REALLY shit and sloppy, and I didn't want to overshoot and make big ambitious maps, so all this is is just a quick MAP01 replacement. It wasn't built to be hard at all, you should find UV a breeze, and even moreso on lower levels of difficulty.

I have added a couple of secrets though, but as proud of them as I am, they're probably quite basic, but they're there nonetheless.
Credits: TerminusEst13 - permission to use one of the MIDIs from his NowThatsWhatICallMIDI add-on pack for DemonSteele. My Steam friends - not killing me for spamming their activity with WIP screenshots.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 2 days (26th to 28th June, 2016)
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2
Bugs: None that I know of
Rating: (17 votes)

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Not bad, but too short, therefore "meh".x
A decent map, and an impressive first effort. I hope to see more maps from you!x
https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=fCxcWeLE Z_A Was 'okey'x
I can confirm that it does *not* work with any limit-removing port.x

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