Title: Hellcore 2.0
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/hc20.zip
Size: 10.99 MB
Date: 10/27/06
Author: Devon "Darkfyre" West & Robert "Fusion" Babor
Description: 12 levels from scratch or revamped from previous release
Credits: Chris Hansen, Brad Spencer, and Albert Sposito for their help on the previous version. Scuba Steve for the couple Action Doom textures I used. Bouncy for the frames to the Zombie Marine.
Base: Twelve maps from scratch or revamps of previous versions
Build time: Too many years, '95 to '06 apx.
Editor(s) used: DCK, NWT, Wintex, DeHackEd, Wadauthor, Doom Builder, WhackEd
Bugs: Occasional slime trail due to excess detail. Map02's sky lights up when shooting due to no light transfering. Will currently only work 100% in ZDoom, but is open for Boom ports with various (mainly visual) bugs. Playing this wad may cause you to lose control of semenal fluids. :D
Rating: (181 votes)

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