Title: Helmet-Deep In The Cybruisers
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/hditc.zip
Size: 1014.66 KB
Date: 10/02/22
Author: Codename_Delta
Description: Hell has opened a wormhole to an unknown dimension, dubbed the In-Between Realm by UAC scientists, and they decided to try to set up outposts to study it, all went well until they found out some problems with their plans, such as the consumption of the outposts to the infamous FIREBLU (being the thing keeping the In-Between Realm somewhat stable), and the growing instability of the wormhole, rendering the trip a one-way trip to hell. One day, all of the scientists mysteriously disappeared, and hell sent in their brand new weak Cybruisers to control it, and their even newer Cybruisers to use as a last resort, UAC decided to send you in to clear out the unstable outpost and close the wormhole. They sent you to the most stable part of the In-Between Realm, but still dangerous.
Credits: Stupid Bunny for inspiring me to make the FIREBLU trap, Jimmy for the midi, MidiEditor's manual for giving me the knowledge I needed to make the title screen midi (From another wad of mine) and the intermission screen midi.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: About a week
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, SLADE, WhackEd4 and MidiEditor
Bugs: Weak Cybruisers don't resurrect properly

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