Title: The Grand Arising 1.1
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/helix11.zip
Size: 215.07 KB
Date: 11/25/15
Author: Alias Zeratul 982 / Lutarez
Description: A multi-themed single player map. The most complex map I built. (666 sectors)
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: 2-3 months
Editor(s) used: DCK 3.62, Wintex, ZenNode
Bugs: Visplane overflow with original exe
Rating: (6 votes)

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A good map, albeit a bit unfairly tight on health and ammo. Keeps you on your toes in an uncomfortable fashion. Visuals are basic but okay. Architecture is orthogonal (with some exceptions) and the action happens on a flat level. It's still a good level. It just could use some more helpful items to not be so frustrating.x
A decent wad. I liked a lot of the effects and despite an over-use of brown, I liked the way many spots in this map looked. I like the brown slime-fall too. Also, nice layout.x

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