Title: Hell Cartel
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/hell_cartel.zip
Size: 2.17 MB
Date: 08/20/22
Author: Johnny Cruelty
Description: Sink your feet into the newest 7 episode wad... HELL CARTEL! Hell Spawn have brought something worse than damnation and demons... Hell Crack! yes you heard me right! Demonic Hell Crack, that can turn the purest of men into walking zombies full of hatred. While the US needs help taking down these demons, they would've sent the army after them, but instead they chose doomguy's sorry ass to take care of them. Why because DoomGuy is badass enough to do it by himself. Venture through 7 levels of pain and "high" stakes, from entering the slipgate to the small town city of Clo-Vice, to one of the major factory areas of hell crack production. this wad is my first doom wad, all 7 maps were the first 7 maps I ever made.. I had fun making them, and I hope you have fun playing them! enjoy!!!
Credits: Snaxalotl for helping me change the map names, Biodegradable and Clippy and Sadnwedge and Dub Bag for playing my maps, dededenova for support, Large Cat and Raiva for playtest advice, Impeller from the Metallica discord for also testing my maps, @Mordierleft on Nightcafe for the AI generated image that was used for the skymap,My druggie mom who made me hate drugs and became a inspiration for this wad, my best buddies that were there through it all, and last but not least, a friend for convincing me to map in the first place.
Base: from scratch
Build time: from january 2021, though the end of may
Editor(s) used: Ultimate doom builder, boom: doom 2 format, slade for imputting midis and textures
Bugs: Some texture misplacement and unpegged door textures.

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