Title: Dead Outpost
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/hellbas2.zip
Size: 797.84 KB
Date: 10/21/10
Author: Stupid Bunny
Description: A large techbase map that I made a while ago but for some reason haven't been bothered to put the finishing touches on and upload until just now. Starts out pretty easy, becomes difficult later on. Most of the level is spent looking for the main switch which will gain you access to the front gate control on the compound wall (don't worry, you'll know the main switch when you see it) and then the final battle takes you from the main switch back to the front gate. I'm looking at this level now and wishing I'd made the architecture a little less square-ey, but as it is it's a decent map and I put a lot of effor into it so it should work well.
Credits: id Software for the same reason everybody else says id Software. Also, the lavafall texture is from GothicDM (I think) so credit there as well
Base: New from scratch
Build time: For all intents and purposes, 2 months
Editor(s) used: DB2, XWE, Anvil Studio...MSPaint... :P
Bugs: None found, but I'm sure there's plenty
Rating: (15 votes)

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