Title: Hellcinerator
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/hellcnerator.zip
Size: 6.45 MB
Date: 09/04/22
Author: Arsinikk
Description: Hellcinerator is a large singleplayer / multiplayer map that is a teaser for the upcoming MBF21 megawad Corruption by NinjaDelphox and friends. I have contributed a bit to this megawad when it comes to the DehackEd and the Palette/Colourmap, and this map is meant to showcase many of the exclusive MBF21 / DEHEXTRA (and even some fancy Boom) features that can be used in Doom Mapping.

A much older version of this map was originally submitted to decino's Round 4 submissions. And so this map has some references made for decino.

This is my first ever BOOM map, and I can say that I have pushed some of BOOM’s mechanics pretty far. The map has more than 1000 sector tags with more than 600 voodoo dolls, and so it would be amiss to say that this map isn’t but complex. Unfortunately, some of the map’s effects may lag older computers, and so I suggest DSDA Doom for the smoothest experience.

The map itself should take around 30-90 minutes to finish, depending if you are going for the secret exit or not. It includes some slaughter-ish fights, but I don’t think I would call the entire map full-on slaughter.

All difficulties have been implemented.

"Vile Cruelty" (UV Plus) is also available with additional monsters and items for those who would like an extra challenge.

You can access "Vile Cruelty" in DSDA Doom and Woof-based ports with the argument "-coop_spawns". Use "-solo-net" for Eternity and PrBoom Plus. ZDoom ports have an option added to the Skill selection menu (note that older ZDoom versions may not have the recent enough code to do the new skill correctly).
Credits: - TITLEPIC, INTERPIC, and M_DOOM by Arsinikk - STBAR by Evilneck and Arsinikk - STBAR numbers by Arsinikk - Other graphics by NinjaDelphox, Evilneck and Arsinikk - Tweaked palette \ colourmap by Arsinikk
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Nine months.
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, Slade3, Adobe Photoshop, WhackEd4, Dehacked, eevee Doom Text Generator
Bugs: - In DSDA Doom, if you have mouselook on and are running in OpenGL mode, in places where there are multiple different skies, the skies will glitch back and forth between multiple skies. If you turn off mouselook, the sky glitching goes away. - GZDoom Hardware and true colour rendering modes ignore the custom colourmap in the library section (software works correctly). - There is a part of the map where a ceiling raises which will lag GZDoom heavily in Hardware mode for around 5-10 seconds (and I have a good graphics card). A quick fix is to temporarily switch to the software/ true colour renderer until the ceiling has finished raising or look away from the centre of the arena [ be sure to watch out ;) ]

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