Title: Herschel Spaceport
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/herschel.zip
Size: 737.05 KB
Date: 05/29/22
Author: Moustachio
Description: One short, somewhat difficult MBF21 map using custom enemies, weapons, textures, sounds, and music, all trying to resemble the look and feel of vanilla Doom. Expect difficult ambushes combined with powered up weapons. The fist and chainsaw do extra damage, and almost all the guns have been modified in some way. New enemies join the fight in addition to the usual Doom II suspects.

You land in Herschel Crater on Mimas, one of Saturn's moons. The UAC had all underground passages heavily guarded, but it looks like that backfired on them. The demons used the UAC's technology to mutate and conquer the moon base. It's swarming with demons, and it's the only passage to the Miman underworld... Stop them before they take over the whole solar system!
Credits: All the custom resource authors I (lovingly) borrowed from. More detailed credits are contained in a separate text file, rescreds.txt. Nikku4211, Biodegradable, Armolitskiy, Argent Agent, and galileo31dos01 for feedback.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 2 weeks on and off
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, SLADE 3.2.0 beta, paint.net, FL Studio 20
Bugs: None

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