Title: Hellfire: Reborn
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/hfr.zip
Size: 4.76 MB
Date: 12/03/11
Author: Shadowman
Description: This wad represents the reconsideration of Hellfire's ideas, so basically it is a new realization of an old story. Though the original Hellfire's main idea has remained as it was, all levels have been made from scratch, and some of them have undergone to the essential updating - both geometry, and the monster-ammo-medkits' balance. I've tried to correct original Hellfire's lackings and to finish all the ideas I've put in Hellfire to logical end. Have a great game!
Credits: Arsenikum, Nil, Skepticist, Falkor for beta-testing, id Software for Wolf3d and Doom, Raven Software for Hexen, Monolith Productions for Blood, DreamWorks Interactive for Clive Barker's Undying, 3D Realms for Duke3d, Graf Zahl for GZDoom, Realm667 team for graphic resources, Klon for helping with titlepic, 3EPHOEd, Cybermind for Russian Doom Builders, Jake Crusher for helping with wad texts.

Music tracks D_DM2TTL, D_DM2INT - by Igor Kornelyuk, Zombieman sprites - by Guest, Titlepic and Credit pictures are made on the basis of the screenshots from the "The Master and Margarita" movie (TV miniseries,2005,Russia, Vladimir Bortko), as INTERPIC - shot from "Black Moon" movie (1975, France/Germany, Louis Malle).
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 25.01.2011 - 3.12.2011
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 1.68 (3EPHOEd edition), Doom Builder 2 (Cybermind edition), XWE 1.16, Photoshop CS 8.0, Audio Edit Magic 9.2.15, Cowon JetAudio 6.21.
Bugs: : none
Rating: (46 votes)

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