Title: HOTFIX93
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/hotfix93.zip
Size: 5.39 MB
Date: 04/27/23
Author: kwc
Description: HOTFIX93 is a short and linear Boom-Compatable singleplayer map (bookended with even shorter, non-combat maps) set inside of Doomguy's PC!

Have you ever wondered what the inside of a computer looks like? Nobody truly knows. However, Doomguy is going to find out. After installing a DEMONIC VIRUS onto his UAC-DOS personal computer, Doomguy is left with no choice but go in there himself to clear them out.

Features: Strange and compelling death animations! Utterly pointless story! Giant microchips! Bjork!

Strongly recommend against mods for this one.
Credits: Texture Credits (all subject to minor tweaks): Nick Baker, FuzzballFox, Mars3D, Gothic Team, Dusk, Cage, Enjay, EarthQuake, CaptainToenail, MartinHowe, Agaures, Digital Dialect, Monolith Productions, Ola Bjorling (ukiro), E. Roger Muir, Bjork, DoomKid, Drywtler, 40oz (UAC-ULTRA), antares031, cc4/32in24-15, Freedoom, BigDickBzzrak, Da Werecat, Doom_Dude, DooMAD, EarthQuake, EffinghamHuffnagel, elend, Fonze, ItsNatureToDie, MTX1996, Negatronica, Remmirath, Smouths, XLightningStormL, YouAreTheDemons, aa-tex

Sprite Credits: ZZYZX - Archvile (with some changes by kwc) HACX - Teleport Fog

Sound & Music Credits: Björk - Venus as a Boy DROD - Main Theme Microsoft Chasm the Rift
Base: New from scratch
Build time:
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