Title: Hovercab Station
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/hovercab.zip
Size: 1.22 MB
Date: 10/08/23
Author: Moustachio
Description: A spiritual successor to my 2022 wad, Herschel Spaceport. This time taking place in an overrun city on future Earth, you must brawl your way through the streets, tunnels, and hallways of the block to catch your hovertrain. Can't be late for work after all.

Works with any MBF21-compatible port. Sky is a bit busted in GL & GL-adjacent renderers, so best enjoyed in the software renderer. The map runs about 5-15 minutes. Lots of extra MBF21 items, including new weapons with new functionality. The standouts for me are the ultra precise sniper rifle and the extra powerful grenade launcher. Be careful, because the grenades don't detonate until you touch or shoot them!
Credits: Resource credits in a separate file: CREDITS.txt Also included as an in-wad lump.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Started on 8/2/2023
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder R4082, SLADE v3.2.4
Bugs: Sky looks wrong in true 3D renderers like GL

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