Title: Head Trauma
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/ht.zip
Size: 6.78 MB
Date: 11/25/23
Author: AshtralFiend
Description: Waking up from a nightmare, You get up in a haze of blinking lights. Rubbing your temples, you still feel your head aching from all the blows suffered on the last incursion to hell. Taking a quick look at your communicator, you notice a singular flashing message on the screen: "The demons are back!!! They are spawning from within abandoned facilities around Earth!" You don't even bother to read the rest of the message, one thing it's clear, time to clean house!

Head Trauma is a 6-level map (5 + ending) in Doom 2 miniwad - Boom format. The maps were designed with forced pistol start on the Ultra-Violence skill (No other skill level implemented yet) These are somewhat cramped and slightly hard, each one loosely inspired by one of the five senses and with some homages to classic megawads like The Plutonia Experiment, TNT, and Going Down.
Credits: Music tracks are from the "TNT: Evolution midi pack" (located here: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/music/tntmidi) A huge thanks and credits to the authors of this fantastic music list:

Map 01: Triangular Currents - pcorf Map 02: Minds Like Magnets - Deadwing Map 03: The Doom World is Flat - decino Map 04: Abyssal Mystery - pcorf Map 05: Terror Firma - Lippeth Map 06: A Foggy Night - stewboy Intermission Impending End - The Green Herring
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 4 Months
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, Slade, WhackEd
Bugs: Some maps won't work with no monsters

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