Title: I am Evil 2
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/iamevil2.zip
Size: 55.87 KB
Date: 11/23/01
Author: Dr. Beefstupid
Description: I think "I am Evil" sums it up
Credits: Nobody. I told you I was evil.
Base: New level from scratch.
Build time: A couple of minutes
Editor(s) used: Deep 97
Bugs: None
Rating: (7 votes)

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Well,now we know where the beef went.Down the toilet.x
Nofi, but my neighbours son makes better wads. While he is just 7 years old, and far from brilliant... In other words: complete waste of time.x
Short and simple: What the fuck is that shit?x
I had fun trying to run past the HKs and the imp sound was funny.x
Poor; I understand the concept is to make an irritating wad, but this is uninspired. It's two small rooms. The first room has an imp, which you kill. The second is filled with hell knights, which you dodge past to flick the exit switch. Pfft, that's it. The joke is that you're supposed to be surprised by the unkillably large number of monsters in the second room, but you can just run past them.x

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