Title: Insanity's Edge
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/iedge.zip
Size: 19.02 MB
Date: 07/22/09
Author: Starscream
Description: This mod is set after the first demon invasion, and so the UAC is back to their normal experiments with teleportation. But this time the UAC is also working on the Demon Annihilation Resonator Type 2K, which was designed to wipe out demons by just being near them. Knowing the UAC, they screwed up again and demons came back from hell. And if things could not get any worse, the Demon Annihilation Resonator Type 2K has disapeared just a few days before. But this time the demons are acting different. They aren't killing for fun, they are killing for a diferent reason.

To survive.

You are Sergeant Shaun Rumsey, a marine on a UAC base on earth that was recently attack by the forces of hell, after finding a large hell portal in the mines. Marines fought bravley, but were outnumberded and slaughtered. As far as you know, you are the only one left on this base, and it is amazing you are still alive. Maybe you have better skills than you first thought. You see a shotgun in front of you, and hope that no demons will come teleporting in once you pick it up.

This mod also has new difficulty levels, which are different to the original. If you find this mod too hard, just try a lower difficulty level. The two recomended are Apprentice and Ranger. And if you are up for a good challenge, try Killer.
Credits: Maelstrom, BoldEnglishman, SoulPriestess, Morpheus, to just name a few. More credits are at the end of the mod.
Base: on earth that was recently attack by the forces of hell, after finding a large hell portal in the mines. Marines fought bravley, but were outnumberded and slaughtered. As far as you know, you are the only one left on this base, and it is amazing you are still alive. Maybe you have better skills than you first thought. You see a shotgun in front of you, and hope that no demons will come teleporting in once you pick it up.

This mod also has new difficulty levels, which are different to the original. If you find this mod too hard, just try a lower difficulty level. The two recomended are Apprentice and Ranger. And if you are up for a good challenge, try Killer.
Build time: 3-4 months
Editor(s) used: Doom builder, Doom builder 2, SlumpEd, XWE
Bugs: Some glitches can occour if you are killed by the final boss when it dies. If so, please load your game.
Rating: (47 votes)

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