Title: Imp Encounter: Second Edition
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/impencse.zip
Size: 54.55 KB
Date: 03/13/03
Author: Anonymous
Description: This is based on the excellent fanfiction I read on DOOMWORLD. which you can read here: http://www.doomworld.com/vb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=13601

This map is not like regular maps in that you can't play it (unless you edit and recompile the scripts). It's sort of like an interactive fanfic, so just watch and enjoy. It only takes around 2:30 to run.

This is the second edition of impenc.wad, it's not quite as censored as the previous one.

This is the second version of impencse.wad which fixes some bugs in the origial wad that made it broke.
Credits: Taylor for his excellent fanfic, Scuba Steve for some new sprites.
Base: Scratch
Build time: A few hours
Editor(s) used: Wad Author, XWE, WARM
Bugs: If the Scripted Marine falls into the Lava, you'll need to restart the level.
Rating: (345 votes)

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