Title: Infection
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/infectio.zip
Size: 4.66 MB
Date: 04/10/22
Author: Exl
Description: UAC Research Base Delta has unexpectedly gone dark. Delta base, situated in an undisclosed location in the northern United States, is tasked with experimenting on salvaged remnants of the demon army that invaded Mars. Your job is to find out what the hell happened and at your own discretion, take care of whatever evil is taking place there now.

This mapset should take around 60 minutes to complete on Ultra-Violence, provided you don't die too often. All maps were balanced to be played in order, though pistol starts are doable with some extra effort.

This was tested with GZDoom, DSDADoom and PrBoom+ UM. It should be playable in all limit removing source ports that have support for MBF21, DEHEXTRA and UMAPINFO. There are a few minor enhancements available when playing in GZDoom and in recent versions of Eternity.

Credits: Bethesda Softworks, Bioware, Biodegradable, Breezeep, Cage, Cammy, CGEffex, Christopher Laverdure, Clay, Clippy, Degree23, Earthquake, Emerson Tung, Enjay, Eris Falling, Esselfortium, horselessheadsman, Jimmy, JXC, Keyboard_Doomer, Kor, KWC, Lippeth, Malinku, Mechadon, Muddy, Nick Baker, Pistoolkip, princetontiger, rando, Raven Software, Rex705, RDETalus, Ukiru, Unraveler, Varis Alpha, Velvetic, Vile
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 9 months
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, SLADE, Photoshop, Audacity

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