Title: Innocence: The New Technology
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/itnt.zip
Size: 1.06 MB
Date: 07/13/15
Author: Demonic Integrated Software (Team DIS)
Description: A 9 level wad for Doom II. This is a project by Team DIS; made up of Jazzmaster, Jimmy, PRIMEVAL and Blindspot Software. This mapset was done in the spirit of TNT: Evilution.

Mapper Credits Map 1-2: Jazzmaster Map 3: PRIMEVAL, Jazzmaster MAP 4-6: Jazzmaster MAP 7: Jimmy MAP 8: Jazzmaster MAP 9: Blindspot Software, Jazzmaster
Credits: -2: Jazzmaster Map 3: PRIMEVAL, Jazzmaster MAP 4-6: Jazzmaster MAP 7: Jimmy MAP 8: Jazzmaster MAP 9: Blindspot Software, Jazzmaster
Base: New from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder, XWE
Rating: (17 votes)

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