Title: Jonathan's Arcade Mapping Project #2: Tropical Dynamite
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/j-l/jamp2.zip
Size: 16.68 MB
Date: 11/05/22
Author: Jonathan's Arcade & Co.
Description: After working your ass off for several years, you finally get enough PTO to get a month long vacation. Tired and wanting a getaway, you go to one the most exotic places in all of brazil: Jericoacoara Beach. Little did you know that once you got there, you spot a bunch of demons eating all the sand and hogging up the waves. Looks like they also managed to take control of several other exotic locations and paradises around the world thanks to the UAC making quick teleportation to said locations easily available to the demons. Well, guess it's time to crash this party.

A collaborative Doom 2 mapping project created by DoomTheRobot and various members of Jonathan's Arcade, a community Discord. Maps vary from complete newcomers to experienced, with map formats ranging from Boom to UDMF. Mappers had roughly 3-4 months to map while another couple of months was spent fixing bugs and other various issues.

Map Authors: TITLEMAP Jericoacoara Beach DoomTheRobot & NaN MAP01 Sopa de Ma Caco Lazorinc MAP02 Armadeira Ayeloo MAP03 Stay With Me General Roasterock MAP04 Cozy Cove DoomTheRobot MAP05 nao perca seu caminho Agent Manovic MAP06 Sir Tevo OiaHusk MAP07 Duo Eye Pogo NaN
Credits: Please see the CREDITS text lump inside the wad for a full and proper credits list.

Textures: UDMX, 32in24-15, Duke Caribbean: Life's A Beach TITLEPIC, CREDIT, INTERPIC: Ayeloo M_DOOM: NaN
Base: New from scratch
Build time: About six months
Editor(s) used: Various
Bugs: You may have framerate problems on the TITLEMAP. We tried optimizing nearly everything but we're still unsure what causes the game to lag.

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