Title: John Wheel Memorial
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/j-l/john.zip
Size: 168.98 KB
Date: 12/26/22
Author: Rataunderground
Description: Yesterday, a friend of mine died due to cancer. I hoped he would have a little more time, but it couldn't be. He, like me, was a Doom enthusiast for many years. Whenever I made a map, he tested it, so I will notice his absence for all the maps that in the future he will not be able to play and of which I will never know his opinion.

Today I made this little map in his memory.

UV and HMP are implemented. (Warning UV its deceptively difficult). The easy difficulty doesn't have any monster, just in case someone wants to enter and see the map calmly. It has some textures and sprites made by me, and some textures borrowed of Alien Vendetta (John was a big fan of AV) as well the music.

Also, it was adapted for deathmatch too.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 1 day
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder
Bugs: none

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