Title: Khorus
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/j-l/khorus.zip
Size: 7.23 MB
Date: 11/04/12
Author: Shadowman
Description: Khorus is a 9-level wad, in which you should battle against evil in woods and deserts, caves and vaults, the ancient abandoned temples and catacombs of the forgotten civilisation (that has some related roots with the ancient Egypt's one), and all it - while listening to Russian folk music, or later motives close to them (with a possible small exception). You will learn, why nobody likes cyberdemon's voice, also you will take part in the search of our hero's missing red cow, and feel the Mastermind's wrath, who couldn't expect that despite numerous and difficult traps, prepared for you, nevertheless, you'll break into his den to make the court of Doom come true.

To play Khorus, use this command line (in prboom-plus): -iwad doom2.wad -file khorus.wad -complevel 9
Credits: ID Software, Monolith Productions for BLOOD, Raven Software for HERETIC&HEXEN, Clan [B0S] for Sacrment.wad (I took sky textures from it).

Music: Russian folk music; motive on Vereschagin's song "Your Honor Lady Luck" from the "The White Sun of the Desert" movie (original author - Isaak Schwarz), motive on "Stoyu na polustanochke" ("I stand on wayside station") from Soviet TV mini-series "Den za dnyom" ("Day by day"); Diablo Church's theme by Matt Uelmen, "Muryonka's Song" from "The Adventures of Kuzya the grasshopper", performed by V. Vinokur.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 29.01.12 - 03.11.12
Editor(s) used: DoomBuilder 2, XWE 1.16, Photoshop CS 8.0 and others.
Bugs: none
Rating: (36 votes)

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