Title: Longshore
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/j-l/longshore.zip
Size: 914.17 KB
Date: 03/18/23
Author: ChaseC7527
Description: ChaseC7527 presents: Longshore.wad, a map that contains: 12 secrets, 165 enemies, takes place from earth, to hell, back to earth, back to hell, and back to earth once more, and contains over 30 minutes of action! This map starts off on a top secret military barge in the middle of the Atlantic. You, a lowly marine tasked to test a new "portal" of sorts. As you step inside you find that it works, you soon come to realize you are in HELL, you must fight your way through the heaps of sinners and make it out alive, can you?
Credits: Freemidi for the music, and Tormentor667 for the Annihilator.
Base: New from scratch.
Build time: Months and a half.
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, SLADE.

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